суббота, 18 января 2020 г.


See how the open source philosophy drives our community, follow our development on GitHub, and how you can participate to make Kunena even better. Although, not all of them are compatible with each other. General template issues, questions and problems. Now you can access Kunena Dashboard and begin using your brand new 3. I tested this Kunena template with Protostar and that work fine but if you want obtain a perfect result, I recommend you to use a JoomSpirit template. Template Hotel version 3. Joomla site template makes a mess of Kunena. kunena 3.0 templates

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Start Joomla Extension Manager. Common issues with Joomla Installation.

Kunena + Joomla! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

Of course, if Kunena is the only extension you are using, then you are safe, but chances of this temppates highly unlikeable. You may drop us a line, give us a call or send an email, choose what suits you the most.

Topics that do not meet the above guidelines may be removed without notice. How to Display Avatars in JComments.

Kunena upgrading guide

It's free, fully integrated, and no bridges or hacks are required. Someone he already well-considered the problem? I customize the default template kunenw Kunena Crypsis to create this one and I keep almost options of the default template. Changing the Favicon of Your Site. Override vector icons to images.

I tested this Kunena template with Protostar and that work fine but if you want obtain a perfect kkunena, I recommend you to use a JoomSpirit template. Most of old Joomla installations are still using out-dated extensions. If you encountered any problem, address it not to Kunena developers, but to developers of third party extension.

kunena 3.0 templates

General template issues, templatez and problems. If you modified or replaced some files in your previous Kunena installation, you will lose all these changes.

How to upgrade Joomla 2. Way of upgrade described in this article may be less stable, but it lets you keep your forum configuration, notes, posts, users and all other stuff you created using previous version of Kunena.

You do not have to uninstall Kunena to upgrade to tejplates new version, though this solution is preferable if you do not want to keep your forum databases and templates. Try your search on the forum or ask your question Look at Forum. Please be aware that there are rules tempplates apply to topics posted in this category: It is not Kunena that is causing trouble and this fact was officially tested and proved.

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kunena 3.0 templates

Joomla common questions How to install Joomla. Extend Social Share buttons via Custom Tag. There are many ways to contact us. You can upgrade to Kunena 3.

Actually, there are some extensions that are listed on Kunena Complatibility Page and are officially considered as fully compatible. Installing a Quickstart Package. All templates after the number will be compatible with this extension. Your company name Lawrence Moreno Tortor. You have allowed cookies to be placed on your computer. This is the list of older JoomSpirit templates compatible with Kunena if you downloaded your template before augustyou must download the new package on kunea account:.

Congratulations, you did it. Street Santa Rosa MN Do not use this category for:

kunena 3.0 templates

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