пятница, 17 января 2020 г.


Above image showing man on stage and the positions use to get him there. It has the same name but with a. Naughty of me I know, but it is my tutorial. If you need to update the position or color of a fixture, simply update the palette and all the corresponding scenes will be updated automatically. This simple and handy program makes light-controlling very easy. sunlite magic 3d easyview

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Select Line and in the input box type 6 and press Enter. XY and color mixing components allow ,agic quick control of your lighting fixtures, without the need to program anything!

The 3rd generation of our DMX control software suite is now available. So that is two pieces of truss lets get the third on the screen. The left hand panel are the folders that contain the fixture files and the panel on the right shows what and where any fixtures are patched.

For now click the Add object s button as shown above. Using large built-in libraries you can add lightning fixtures to your stage and other different objectssuch as construction, decorative objects, people, music instruments and so on. Image showing the File name mqgic the title bar of the window.

Sunlite Suite 3

Once you have found a view that you like you can save that position and recall it with a keypress just like you can the standard views. Once you have done that ensure it has 90 in the dX box as shown in image below. You will be presented with the following dialogue. Actually X at the left easyviww wall is 0 zero and is Right click our original piece of truss as described above and select teh Duplicate option from the menu.

In this mode, the left mouse button is used to move your view and the right mouse button is used to rotate your view. Whatever the problem is ensure you have the settings as I have done above. The unique page concept has been at the heart magkc Sunlite since the very first maggic over 15 years ago.

sunlite magic 3d easyview

Sunlite Suite 3 offers exciting new features like: The Trussing will not be on stands so we are assuming it is a typical theatre that hangs it's truss on sunlitr down cables.

This is the Stage settings… dialogue, I am not going to discuss the option here I will do that in another part of this tutorial.

sunlite magic 3d easyview

Firstly a thing to know, most objects have the reference point as the centre of the object. When this option is set, the value of channels used in the Switch will be multiplied with the current DMX level. I know that this piece of truss as we are looking at it is 2. Notice what my mouse pointer is on. Viewed from above and showing the Location values. Actually it is the X postion, and it is just where we want it.

Cycles can be recorded in real-time, or scenes can be dropped onto the timeline. As we are going to move them up towards the celing we use the Y axis and that goes from 0 zero fasyview the floor up to the height of our celing.

Magic 3D EasyView Download - It is a computerized lightning controller that helps you plan a stage

You can see in the above image that the piece of truss has rotated, sunlitee enough not a brilliant example. Right click the object in the Objects mwgic of the Listing… panel and select Duplicate from the context menu that appears as can be seen in the image below.

Our Par Cans in FreeStyler where patched on channels 1 to 8 and the last one was on channel The easiest way to learn is to play around with the software. Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: Keep doing it to see the differing views of the object as it rotates 90 degrees. Confirming connection to FreeStyler. As you can see magiv view of you stage is in the top part of the display and below that are two panels, one called Settings… and the other called Listing.

As you can see the lights beams sunlire pointing straight down and we need to rotate them to point on to the stage more and possibly towards the man on the stage.

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